Mobile Friendly Site: New Website

Mobile Friendly Site: New Website

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Buying paper rolls in wholesale aren't exactly easy by any means, there are multiple platforms you can use, and it can be a tad confusing if you aren't used to things of that nature. Websites are meant to be not only innovative, but with the creative things they choose to change.

Here at Paper Roll Express we're always going to be focused on providing clients with a variety of paper roll options, and we're trying to do it as efficiently as physics will allow us to. Our new website brings a fresh new look to our brand that we've been craving, and it appeals to just about everybody you could think of. When it comes to a paper roll website, there are a few things you look at right away, and one of them is the color scheme. It might not mean a lot to you up front, but subconsciously the color of every single website plays a part in how we react to their offers.

We decided to go with a simple look that wouldn't be considered “overboard” by any means, we're just trying to make sure people look at the deals for what they are (as opposed to just visiting our website to see something fancy). Mobile-friendly websites are the wave of the future, if you're a business that doesn't have one set-up you're missing out on an entirely different ball game. We're always on our phone as a society, whether it be to check up on the local news or even just to see what the weather is like. Now can you not only do those things, but you have the ability to purchase paper rolls in bulk as well!