Buyer Security

Buyer Security

Write By: admin Published In: Paperrollexpress Hits: 1127 Comment: 0

Making a purchase online seems easy enough, but have you ever taken the time out of your day to think about buyer security? As the buyer, you're putting everything at risk when you make a sale online, if you buy something from the wrong people they could easily steal your information and bite you in the butt!

There are telltale signs of when a website is going to completely scam you, and most of us are capable of figuring out which ones are good and which ones aren't. For those that can't, however, we're going to look at these signs and compare them to our website. Firstly, a website that's going to scam you will more than likely have a poorly put together web page designed. They don't have the funds needed in order to create a high-quality website, and therefore they make the best out of what they've got.

Paper Roll Express has a sleek and professional crafted website, and on top of that it's also mobile-friendly! Many scam-based websites don't even bother going through the trouble that's presented to you when you want to make a web page mobile-friendly; so there's sign number one. The second thing to look out for would be fake credentials, all of the contact information on our website is legitimate and the customer service support will always be there to help you with any problems. Buyer security is a very big deal to us here at Paper Roll Express, so much so that we've completely integrated our check out system with PayPal security! You'll never have to worry about buying paper rolls from a shady wholesaler again, because Paper Roll Express will always be here to assist our clients.